Children and adolescents can be screened for scoliosis at annual physical examinations. However, if you notice that your child has uneven shoulders, hips or waist, or a curve in the spine, do not delay booking a consultation with a specialist.
It can be a worrying time if you suspect that your child may have scoliosis, or when a child or adolescent is diagnosed with the condition. Our expert team at Neuro Spinal Hospital Dubai are available to address any concerns and questions you may have.
Scoliosis is a very manageable condition, especially if diagnosed at a young age. Various treatments can prevent the condition getting worse and correct spinal curvatures. As scoliosis affects each person differently. An individualised treatment plan will be developed, after discussion with you and your child, and reviewed regularly.
Children and adults with scoliosis can enjoy a full and active life. However, they may face social and emotional challenges due to the condition or its treatment. Your child will benefit from your support and encouragement, as well as having a supportive peer group. Support groups are available online, and in some locations in-person, for children, teens and their families.